Death related superstitions

Death related superstitions

  • A bird in the house is a sign of a death.

  • If a robin flies into a room through a window, death will shortly follow. 

  • If an owl looks into your window during the day, death will occur in your family.

  • Death will come soon for anyone who kills a red bird or a blus bird.

  • If you see a raven flying towards your house, the woman you love is doomed to die unless you can stop it from landing on the house.

  • Light candles on the night after November 1. One for each deceased relative should be placed in the window in the room where death occurred.

  • You must hold your breath while going past a cemetery or you will breathe in the spirit of someone who has recently died. 

  • Once you have left a cemetery, and forgotten something, do not go back to get it, for you will bring death back with you.

  • If a clock which has not been working suddenly chimes, there will be a death in the family. 

  • You will have bad luck if you do not stop the clock in the room where someone dies.

  • If a woman is buried in black, she will return to haunt the family. 

  • If a dead person's eyes are left open, he'll find someone to take with him. 

  • Mirrors in a house with a corpse should be covered or the person who sees himself will die next.

  • If a cow moos after midnight-death is coming.

  • Dogs howling in the dark night howl for death before daylight. 

  • If a dog howls at night and it's facing towards you, you will soon die.

  • If you dream of death it's a sign of a birth, if you dream of birth, it's a sign of death.

  • If you touch a loved one who has died, you won't have dreams about them.

  • A person who dies on Good Friday will go right to heaven. 

  • A person who dies at midnight on Christmas Eve will go straight to heaven because the gates of heaven are open at that time. 

  • All windows should be opened at the moment of death so that the soul can leave. 

  • The soul of a dying person can't escape the body and go to heaven if any locks are locked in the house. 

  • If a broom rests against a bed, the person who sleeps there will die soon.

  • If the left eye twitches there will soon be a death in the family. 

  • If a dead person's eyes are left open, he'll find someone to take with him.

  • Having only red and white flowers together in a vase means a death will soon follow.

  • If you prick your finger on the thorn of a red rose, and the puncture looks black, you will die.

  • Bringing hawthorn blossoms into a house will be followed by the death of the mother of the house.

·        Funerals on Friday portend another death in the family during the year. 
·        It's bad luck to count the cars in a funeral cortege. 
·        It's bad luck to meet a funeral procession head on. 
·        Thunder following a funeral means that the dead person's soul has reached heaven. 
·        Nothing new should be worn to a funeral, especially new shoes. 
·        Pointing at a funeral procession will cause you to die within the month.
·        Pregnant women should not attend funerals. 
·        If rain falls during a funeral procession, someone related to the deceased will die soon.
·        Seeing a white chicken on your way to a funeral brings bad luck.
·        If you see a hearse you must touch a button or you'll be the next one in it.

  • If the person buried lived a good life, flowers will grow on the grave. If the person was evil, weeds will grow. 

  • Rain falling into an open grave means bad luck for the family.

  • If you take three steps backward when leaving a loved one's grave, you will die within three months.

  • A hat on the bed means death in the family.

  • If a mirror in the house falls and breaks by itself, someone in the house will die soon. 

  • Mirrors in a house with a corpse should be covered, or the person who sees herself will die next.

  • If you say the name ‘Mary’ worth 100 times into a mirror in a darkened room, and she appears in the mirror, you will soon die.

The moon
·        Look up at the moon, and if there is something red passing by it, someone close to you will die soon.

  • A white moth inside the house or trying to enter the house means death. 

  • If 3 people are photographed together, the one in the middle will die first.
    If you take pictures of someone in their casket you will bring death to your family very soon.

  • Leaving shoes on a table for a long time will bring sickness or death to your family.

  • Never put your shoes on the table or you will die by hanging.

  • Hanging a horse shoe over a door with the open side downward will spill out all the luck and a death in the family will soon occur.

  • If 13 people sit down at a table to eat, one of them will die before the year is over. 

  • Dropping an umbrella on the floor means that there will be a murder in the house.

  • Water in the grave means the deceased will be a restless spirit.

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